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Unsung Heroes

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. (Phil 2.3-4) Reflection Christlikeness cannot be found in the selfish exercise of pride and power. It can only be found in the humility…

Leading change

Recently in one of our monthly Faith in Business discussions we were musing over the challenges leaders face – such as where and how is it possible to show compassion, and even develop relationships with employees who so often sit on the stark receiving end of change? Perhaps unsurprisingly the wisdom of Solomon eluded us.…

Employee Ownership – transparency drives cooperation in decision making

I am often asked how organisations who are employee owned tackle the thorny issues that can arise, for instance when existing employee perks prove to be unsustainable. There is undoubtedly a myth portrayed that employees would never agree to a reduction in their terms and that within an employee owned structure staff have the right…