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I am fortunate to have to received a number of affirming endorsements from those with whom I have worked. Please feel free to browse these below.

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  • Consultancy (3)
  • Commercial / Charity sector leadership (3)
  • Mentoring (3)
  • Board support (5)

I worked with Rob for many years. He brings clarity to complex issues, speaks truth to power, and balances a commercial and sharp mind with a kind, values-led, heart.

I sought Rob’s advice on the more sensitive matters of Board relationships and employee engagement at scale as I always knew that he would be thoughtful, insightful, and never shy to tell me — constructively — what I needed to hear, even when it wasn’t what I wanted to hear. He is incredibly honest, witty and a pleasure to work with.

Berangere Michel

Partner & Executive Director Finance, John Lewis Partnership

Having worked with Robert over many years, there are few leaders I’ve come across who are as principled and consistent in their outlook. He combines a sharp commercial mind with a fundamental humanity and belief in people’s decency and the importance of them being treated in the same fashion. Purpose-driven organisations, those in the not for profit sector, or businesses that place the employee experience front and centre will find Robert an able, passionate and challenging advisor

Ian Hiscock

Director, Ian Hiscock Consulting and Independent Trustee

We recently engaged Rob at Invigilo to deliver a critical piece of work for us that involved an analysis of multiple and complex risks and the development of a series of tools and policies to underpin ongoing risk management. As important as skill, we needed a trusted pair of hands who would handle the project sensitively and with integrity. The speed, quality and scope of the outputs exceeded all my expectations. Without a doubt, it’s the best piece of consultancy work I have commissioned in years and the work will have ripple effects across the organisation for years to come.

Rachel Whittington

Executive Director, Church Urban Fund

Over a number of years now I would see Rob as the person I would turn to if I had a difficult leadership, management, strategic or personnel issue. He is comfortable as a mentor in the purest sense of the word in that he helps me think through the situations that I present him. Additionally, I have twice asked him to speak, for an hour, to staff on leadership and both times he has taken everyone’s breath away. The quality of his presentations both inspired and endeared, everyone left having learnt and wish they had more time. 

Quickly evident when meeting him is his experience from years of leading teams, under considerable pressure at a very high level. He has the ability to break leadership and management into a science – he explains it almost like a physics. This gives you a real confidence that your issues are not unique and that clear actions can provide a route out. Rob has a very high degree of honesty; anchored because he genuinely cares for you as a colleague. 

You never however get the impression he is softening a blow or advice. He speaks straight and this gives you confidence that what you hear is the best advice he can give you. He has that rare gift of delivering even tough truths without undermining the relationship. He is engrossed in your issues and prepared to thoroughly understand it and wrestle with you on it. This sense of giving you his absolute best is rare humility and selflessness.

Ed Walker

Founder and Executive Director, Hope into Action

When I think of Rob, I think of a wise, savvy, witty, watchful and compassionate counsel.

Over the last 60 days, I have also been privileged to benefit from Rob’s insightful and sharp advice on my EdTech start-up. He acted as a sounding board on the essential milestones of the venture from the business plan design to the choice of potential collaborators at a level I never believed possible. 

Rob is able to help you connect strategy, goals, values and meaningful purpose, all customised to your unique situation and leadership style. If you are at a loss as to what to do, or at a crossroad, turn to Rob. He has the extraordinary ability to help an organisation see the forest for the trees whilst making each tree count.

Pierre Claude

CEO eLevatu, and Facilitation Advisor at BDO UK LLP

Three words sum Rob up well: Principles, Passion and Personal. His professional track record resoundingly reflects all three, demonstrating a high level leader who thrives on enabling others to succeed within a principled framework. If you need a strategic mind who can help you gain clarity through the fog yet who is able to passionately support and encourage, I can recommend nobody more highly. 

His charity work echoes his heart for people, his commercial background reflects his focus on corporate achievement, and his personal friendships display his humility, warmth and humour. You’ll like him!

Steve Lodge

Retired Chief Inspector, Cambridgeshire

I brought Rob in to help me with succession planning for my business. His experience and wisdom were so very helpful in navigating a way through the options available to me and my team.

At every stage, he was evaluating our input and able to clearly articulate helpful analysis with wide management experience and an external perspective.

Planning to step back from the company one created is not easy. Without Rob’s insightful assistance I fear we might still be circling around trying to see the way forward. I highly recommend him.

Nick Campling

Owner, G7th Ltd

Rob is inquisitive and insightful which gives space for staff at all levels to explore current realities and to re-imagine future possibilities, which strengthen and grow values-led businesses and charities. During my time as CEO, Robert has mentored me with understanding and wisdom, inspiring and facilitating growth in my leadership skills as well as raising the engagement of my staff team.

The breadth of Robert’s leadership experience and operational expertise has been highly valued by my senior team who continue to reference Robert’s courageous input.

Lesley Cheesman

National Director and CEO, Agape

Robert quickly got to grips with the heart of our need along with the culture of our team. His thoughtful and considered contribution helped to spark fresh insights for some of the team who were then able to turn challenges into possible launch opportunities.

Robert’s personable, approachable style and humour, quickly puts people at ease, establishing confidence and enabling you to maximise the value from your time and his support. I encourage you to invest in a coffee, take some time to chat and see where it takes you!

Alan Charter

Global Facilitator, Global Children's Forum

Robert is a respected, hugely experienced, tenacious and commercial leader. His drive and energy are contagious. But when I look back on working for him, and with him, what stands out is the skill with which he balances the commercial and the human, and his strong moral compass. In a world which badly needs servant-leaders who are purpose-led, I can think of few people better to lead, or support leaders, in the “new normal”.

James Allport

Independent Advisor, John Lewis Partnership

Robert is a highly effective Board member with an instinctive understanding of the best way to add value as a non-executive director. In his work on the Board of Westminster Abbey’s commercial arm over the last eight years, he has demonstrated a strong and deeply rooted commitment to public service, combined with the sensitivity to operate successfully in the distinctive environment of an iconic national institution.

He brings great clarity of strategic and operational insight to the Board’s discussions, and his extensive experience and deep expertise in leadership, employee engagement and customer service excellence have enabled him to make an invaluable contribution to the Abbey’s commercial businesses, which are now some of the most successful in the sector. We benefit greatly from his membership of the Board, and I have no hesitation in recommending him for similar roles in other organisations.

Paul Baumann

Receiver General and Chapter Clerk at Westminster Abbey

In my experience Rob is a real pleasure to work with. He combines insight, and the courage to probe and challenge, with tact and can be relied upon to bring focus and add depth to any discussion. He’s supportive, but demands robust explanations and answers to questions. And he’s an astute reader of financial information! For me he exemplifies what being an effective Trustee – or Non Exec – should be about.

Nick Thomas

Associate Partner Concerto Partners; freelance strategy, business and market development consultant

Rob has brought a clear and calm approach to the task of overseeing our finances momentum and space for individuals to flourish through clear processes and supportive discussions with individuals. I would thoroughly recommend him.

Andrew Barnett

Chair of Trustees, Church Urban Fund

With Rob’s unique blend of gifts, personality and humour comes with a wealth of experience drawn from years working in the commerce and charity sectors.

Until my retirement in 2019, I was able to observe Rob’s skills at first hand in both sectors. He has an innate ability to draw people together around a common purpose and vision. He is a strategic thinker who listens, encourages and affirms those around him. He brings an incisiveness and clarity to all aspects of an organisation’s work, drawing on his integrity and clear convictions. Being minister and team leader of a medium sized Baptist Church, I gained tremendously from Rob’s support, encouragement and wisdom, enhancing my own personal skills and abilities.

Rob’s desire – rooted in his clear Christian faith – is to see individuals and organisations grow, fulfilling their potential whilst maintaining a clear ethos. If you are an organisation, charity, church or an individual wanting someone to journey with you for a while, Rob is just the person. I fully recommend him as someone who has had a lasting effect on my life and the church I previously led.

Rev David Whitlock

Retired Baptist Minister